Wednesday, October 30, 2013

No words

Hi friends. I'm writing today to ask for your prayers for a dear friend of mine. On Friday night they lost their 3rd baby. It was their second full-term unexpected stillbirth. There are no words for the pain that they are feeling. Everyone is still just in shock that this could happen to them again. And I know that if I am struggling with the questions of how, and why God? Then I can't imagine what they are struggling with today.

Please keep them in your prayers. The parent's names are Lelia and Wayne. The baby's name was Kamani, and he already had 2 older brothers in Heaven.

My prayer for them:
Father I come before you this morning to continue to lift up Lelia, Wayne and their family to you. I hurt for them, and am struggling to understand how you could let this happen to them again. I'm struggling to understand why this baby is not in his dear mama's arms, and how one family can be expected to endure so much pain over and over again.

I just pray that you comfort them. I pray that your presence would fill their home like never before. I ask Father that through all the hurt, anger, and questions, they would turn to you. That they would draw into you for the answers and not pull away. I ask that you fill their spirits with the peace that is beyond understanding. That though they are in the throws of grief and despair that they would have a knowledge that you love them more then they can imagine and that you are hurting with them.

Father build up community around them. I ask that you give their family and friends the words to speak that will be a balm to their hurting souls. Help Lelia and Wayne be able to communicate clearly what they need from their support system, and help them feel the love of those around them. Help them to understand that they don't need to walk this painful road alone. Give them the courage Father to ask for help when they need it.

I pray God that as they are just returning home you would grant them the capacity to deal with all the the baby things in their home. I pray you give them the wisdom to know what will be the most healing way to manage the nursery.

As well as emotional, and spiritual healing Father I pray for physical healing for Lelia as she recovers from a C-Section as well as all the physical discomfort of dealing with a post-baby body when there is no baby. I pray that she would heal quickly. That her pain meds would be effective. And that her milk would dry up quickly with minimal discomfort.

Father I know that you can redeem all things. Even things so painful that they seem beyond redemption. We know that you see a picture far bigger than anything we can imagine. God we ask that Lelia and Wayne are able to see that big picture someday. That they are able to understand how these losses were used for the Kingdom, and understand that all of their pain and anguish was not meaningless.

Father you know much better than I do exactly what Lelia and Wayne are feeling at this moment. You know exactly what they need right now, and I ask in your mercy that you grant them that. In Jesus name I pray,

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