Saturday, April 30, 2011

Totally Random Garden Blog

So I'm going to have a garden this year. I've never actually had a garden before,... never even been super interested in gardening... but this year I am. And I have a 10' x 20' community garden plot. I had something slightly more modest in mind; maybe 5' x 10'? The garden lady finally met me today (after months of disorganization, post-poning, and re-scheduling) and showed me a 20' x 20' plot that was meant for me. This was me: "Uhhhh,... ummm,... hm. It's big. *awkward silence......* I'm not sure I can fill it." This is what I was thinking: "What, do I look like I have a dozen kids at home to feed?"

Anyway, (after making infinitely clear that I was a HUGE inconvenience to her in every way) she ended up giving me 1/2 of the plot (which is what most people have).

I have now spent most of my day planning, and shopping for everything I'll need for the most epic garden in my personal gardening history. Which will in fact be epic, even though my personal gardening history is limited to two sickly tomato plants I nursed through the summer last year.

In preparation for my garden this summer, I started tomatoes from seed about 6 weeks ago (praying that I would in fact get a plot as I was on the wait list at the time). I wanted to have a variety of tomatoes, so I started a packet each of: heirloon mix, cherries, and red lightening (which I mostly picked because they have an AWESOME name, and have cool stripey skin) tomatoes. Within 2 weeks I had 36 thriving tomato plants and a very amused husband. Come to find out that finding good homes for baby tomatoes is far easier than finding homes for say,... kittens. Although, at least 9 of my babies are now deceased thanks to my mother. She is very concerned (and justly so) that I will never trust her with my human children,... when I have them.

Anyway, all of this planting and growing and watching life emerge from dead life-less seeds, dirt, and steer poop, has continually reminded me of the awesomeness of our God. At first I would get so excited each time I saw a new seedling pop through. I was thinking: "I did that! That tiny, beautiful, living thing would not exist right now if it weren't for me!" And then I caught myself. Not me,... yeah I facilitated; but God did that. Why? Because he loves me and wants to bless me with it! I can't help but praise God. I'm so thankful that he placed us on an earth filled with life and green things. He didn't have to you know. He provided life and beauty on this earth to bless us; because we are His children and he loves us. Every time I look at my beautiful baby tomato plants (and the rest of my garden once it actually exists) I want to view them as a representation of the love of God.

I've always had these spontaneous, awesome, experiential praise sessions in nature. Every hiking, climbing, snowshoeing, or canoeing trip the beauty of God's creation moves me to praise Him because I feel so close to Him. It's like I can physically hear and feel the breathe of God in the wind on the top of a 14er. The intensity of the sun's heat when I'm climbing a rock wall feels like His gaze peering down lovingly, warming me from the outside in. Now I have the joy of that experience in the garden as well. Thank you Lord!

My challenge to all of you is to open your eyes, look around at the green and living things that are beginning to emerge this spring, and praise God for them! They exist because of His love for us!