Wednesday, December 12, 2012


The last few weeks have been hard. Harder than I even anticipated. 
As Jude's birthday gets closer and closer I'm getting more and more emotionally fragile.

I hate being emotionally fragile.
That's not my normal.
But, it is my "grieving normal."
And I guess for now my "grieving normal" is going to be my normal again.

My "grieving normal" means I'm tired all the time. It means that working 10 or 11 hour days is starting to feel super overwhelming. It means that the comments I get all the time about this being my first baby are harder to shrug off than they have been. It means all Peter's kicks and wiggles make me smile initially because I LOVE feeling him; but then want to cry because I never got to feel Jude like this. It means I miss all my Parker friends so badly because they walked through the journey with us, and they "got it" more than most people do. It means that though I want desperately to be able to focus entirely on preparing for Peter and celebrating his life,... that's only one piece of my reality.

I want to be giving you all happy pregnancy updates. And there are moments when I sit down here prepared to do so,... I even start uploading belly pictures and the like,... But it's just not what comes out when I start writing. What comes out is the mess.

And what a mess it is! What confusion of being so grateful for so much, while also struggling with the messy reality of loss. The beautiful gift of little Peter, is only more precious to us because we're living in the messily-wrapped reality of missing Jude.

So I guess instead of trying to sort through my mess and present only one organized piece at a time, I'm just going to present it to you as is.

Here are a few snapshots of my mess:

We know it's going to be super important to us now and in the future to involve Jude in our Christmas traditions; especially since he was born so close to the holiday. One we are starting this year is that we are going to buy an angel ornament every year. We will wait to hang all the angels on our tree on his birthday.
Here's the ornament we got last week,.. sitting on the counter waiting to be hung next week.

Another tradition we want to have Jude represented in is our stockings. This year we hung four stockings. I haven't decided how I want to do names on them yet, but there is one each for Jess and I, Jude, and Peter.

Ok, here's where it's going to get messy. Because pictures about Christmas traditions honoring a child lost shouldn't go right next to pictures of pregnant bellies,.... right?

But here's the pretty part of my mess!

Yup. You saw that correctly. I roughly quadrupled in size in less than a month. 
(That's what it feels like anyway!)
I LOVE my belly. Jess gets such a kick out of checking to see if my belly button has popped every night. It's going to be an outie soon for sure. The ladies at work were joking the other day about how it's going to be like the little red button on Thanksgiving turkeys. It will pop out when it's done cooking!

And last but not least here's the nursery wall that we painted a couple of weeks ago. We just got the decal up, and I think it will look super cute with the crib right underneath it!
Apparently Lola thinks we did it just for her,... ooh she's in for a rude awakening when the little guy makes his appearance!

And there you have it.
It's unorganized. It's messy. It's not tidily wrapped and presented in a pretty package. 
It's just reality. And it's BEAUTIFUL,.... but messy.

If you think about it,... it's appropriate for the Christmas season. 
Jesus entrance into the world was also messy.
But Oh! So, so beautiful. 

1 comment:

  1. Keeping it real will always be the right move. Life is not a neatly tied pretty package & letting others see that you have a beautifully messy life, allows them to show theirs for what it is too. Beautiful commemoration - and beautiful belly.
