Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving despite

This time last year I wrote a blog post about Thankfulness. I had just gotten a job, Jess was doing well in medical school, we were making great friends, God was providing for our needs, and things were cheerful in the Anderson household. In that blog I asked if our feelings of being thankful was merely due to our circumstances, or if it was really the product of a heart that was thankful for a loving God and His sacrifice. Well, that is certainly being tested this year.

I had to call in to work again today because I simply couldn't stop the tears this morning. Jess and I sat and he held me as I shed tears for my beautiful son and all the things I will never see him do. Tears from the pain of knowing I'll never see Jude smile. Tears from the pain of never knowing if he would have inherited his daddy's beautiful blue eyes and dimples. Tears from the pain of knowing he could never wear the cute little monster hat I crocheted for him because when he is born two of his entire body will probably fit in that hat. Tears that he'll never have a first word, first step, first day of school, first date, first kiss,.... probably not even a first breath. So many things he'll never do.... and tears for each one.

I WANT to be thankful this year. I want to be thankful for the time that we DO have with Jude. But I am struggling. We are both struggling. We will likely never understand completely why this has happened; why God allowed these circumstances to steal away our little boy. But we WANT to be thankful anyway. Does wanting to be thankful count for something?

There certainly are things that we are thankful for. We are intensely thankful for each other this year. We are intensely thankful for our family, both biological and spiritual. It may sound silly, but we are intensely thankful for our goofy pooch. But, I am certainly struggling with the verse 1 Thessalonians 5:18. "Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." I realize that this verse doesn't say to be thankful ABOUT all circumstances, but even being thankful IN our circumstances is a challenge. How to be thankful despite so much pain?

I wish I had answers. Fortunately, our God is a gracious God. THIS I am thankful for without reserve.

Please continue to pray for our family through the holiday weekend. We feel like we should be starting to feel better, but the waves of pain continue to crash over us intensely. This week has continued to be excruciating. We know that the pain will become manageable eventually, but it is not yet. There are so many things on our minds, and decisions that need to be made. Prayers for peace over the holiday are much needed.

A few updated prayer requests are:
- Pray for us as we begin to make decisions and try to get things in order for Jude's unpredictable arrival. (Things like burial vs. cremation, arranging a photographer for the hospital, finding micro-preemie clothes small enough for a 1 lb or less baby, whether or not to do maternity pictures, etc)
- Pray that God would give us supernatural wisdom as we face the balancing act of carrying Jude as long as my body will allow, while not jeopardizing my health and future children more than necessary.
- And as I said previously, prayer that the pain would start to become manageable. And that there would begin to be times of enjoying Jude in between the waves.

These as well as the requests listed in my previous two blogs.

Thank you all so much, it is an encouragement to us to see how many people are reading our blog. If even a fraction of you are praying for us faithfully then we know that we are being lifted up by an army of prayer warriors. Love you all, and have a Happy Thanksgiving,



  1. I hate the pain you are suffering through. You know that any one of all of us family members would take it away from you, if at all possible! Praying is all I can do. All any of us can do. You are loved and supported. Sing to Jesus, through all of this. He holds your heart as you weep. He holds all our hearts as we weep with you!

  2. Shedding tears for y'all. Love you so much! Praying and thinking about you almost constantly. Don't feel bad about crying and taking awhile to mourn... God totally understands because he has given you a very big love for little Jude no matter what happens! I love that we have a God who loves and cares for us so much! Wish I could be there for you, Jenn, but will continue praying because that is what I can do at this time.

  3. Please do not feel that you should or should not feel a certain way, all your feelings are completely OK. You feel what you feel, and those good feelings about Jude can get you from one bad feeling to the next. The problem would come if you stopped feeling. Thinking of you this Thanksgiving and I'm thankful you both have each other during this time.

  4. Hi there. You don't know me--I replied to your post on the BBC triploidy board. I just wanted to let you know that I will keep you in prayer. Helene

  5. I love both of you. I am praying today is better than yesterday and that the Lord surrounds you with grace today. Wish you were here. Or I was there. Mom

  6. You are on our hearts and minds - praying for you today that you both know in a very real way the sufficiency and sustaining power of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  7. I think WANTING to be thankful counts for a lot... sort of like the widow and her mite, who gave all she had. I've been thinking about you guys and Jude a lot this week. Just wanted you to know. Hoping and praying the prayers of many are helping hold you guys up during this difficult season.

  8. Thinking about you everyday and praying that each day gets a little easier. xo

  9. Jen , you are a beautiful reflection of your father in heaven...I am so thankful for your strength,tenderness and mercy ...
    praying peace and rest and even joy for you and Jess
    God Bless,nancy tait
