Friday, December 31, 2010

Undies MAN!!!!

My husband is awesome. I asked Jess this morning if he had any great blog ideas and he said that I should blog about how awesome he is,.... so here it goes:

My husband is awesome.

Today is New Years Eve, and our 4th wedding anniversary. We are still snuggled up in bed (Jess is fanatically trying to finish his Harry Potter book before he has to start school again on Monday), the dog is sleeping on our feet, there is new snow on the ground, our electric blanket is toasty, and life is good.

Looking back at the last four years and everything that God has brought us through and blessed us with is pretty amazing. There have been some crazy fun times (climbing fourteeners, whitewater kayaking, friend's weddings, The lake, getting Libby as a puppy,....), and also some scary and challenging times (Amy's accident, terrible apartments, NCLEX and MCAT, unemployment, moving 5 times in 4 years....) but we don't have to look too closely at any example before we see God's hand at work.

I for one can't wait to see how He is going to work in the upcoming year. We are excited about 2011, it promises to have alot of great things in store. One huge blessing is that Jess got the Air force scholarship for med school, and he is eligible for a whopping signing bonus as well as the regular living stipend next year (on top of the fact that they pay 100% of his school tuition and expenses!). A month and a half ago we were literally running out of money and didn't know what we were going to do. Then I got a job, and now this,... God is SO faithful!

Another thing that we are excited about in 2011 is our New Years resolution (I know, I know,... who really ever follows those right?). We have decided to read the whole Bible this year. It's something that I've started before, but never stuck with it. I have dozens of excuses. This year will be different though. Jess and I and his mom, Muriel, are all doing it together on the same reading plan, so there will be accountability and encouragement along the way.

(I wish I had a video of my husband just now: charging out of bed in his boxers and a old floppy sweatshirt singing: "Undies Man!!!!" to go get me the computer charger,... what a guy, he really is awesome!)

Well, I suppose thats about it,... the Undies Man theme song was too distracting and I lost my train of thought. We did have some big plans for the day, but it's too chilly to be outside much so I think we're going to venture out to the bakery then the bookstore, and then home again to curl up on the couch for the day. Then tonight we're going to our friend's Hannah and Stephen's house for a rocking New Years Eve fiesta.

Happy New Years everyone!


  1. Has it really been 4 years?!?! Wow! Y'all are such an amazing couple, and I'm so glad that I have both of you as such awesome friends! Happy New Year! I can't wait to see what God has in store for y'all this year, also! :o) He has definitely kept things exciting in your life!

  2. Gah! You guys are so DARN cute!!!! Seriously. I love you both like... like ten billion singing canaries and an entire storehouse filled with Sea Salt and Malt Vinegar Potato Chips!
