Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Going Home

You know that feeling you get at the end of a trip? Even an awesome vacation like we just had at the beach, at the end of it, I get this deep desire just to be home. To sleep in my own bed, to cook in my own kitchen, to sit and read on my own couch, etc.... A large part of that desire is rooted in being an introvert and being deeply connected to my own "space;" the space that Jess and I have created for ourselves. Part of it is the desire for the things that reside in our home; like the pictures we have on the wall,  and our little shelf of Jude's things. But I think that more than anything it is from a longing for all of the things that "home" means. To me "home" means: safety, family, love, comfort, retreat, laughter, and a place to pursue what I'm passionate about.

We just found out a few days before we left on vacation that we are going "home" for Jess' rotations for the next two years. We were hoping it would work for him to be in Grand Junction for his 3rd and 4th years of school, so what a blessing to find out we were going! We're hoping to move in early June, but we'll just have to see how the timing works as he's taking his first round of boards this summer. When we got the news though, I had this great feeling of hope at the thought of moving back to the place I still refer to as "home." That's where my parents are, and I have several siblings in the area. There are so many things that we love about Grand Junction, but for me, I think the primary feeling that I have is that it is a safe haven. I know that there are times in your lives that it's healthy and good to push your comfort level, do things and go places that don't always feel "safe." But for me, after so much upheaval in the last 12 months of our lives, I can't wait to be home.

Other things I "can't wait" for:
to be close to my mama.
to worship with old friends.
to have a cute little house of our own.
to have our own yard.
to garden to my little heart's content.
to get another puppy.
to potentially start a community garden at my dad's church.
to find another job that I love.
to go to the GJ farmers market. (Best farmers market EVER!!!)
to hang out with my little brothers. 
to connect with old friends, and make new ones.
to be closer to the mountains and outdoor activities.

Alright, not really sure where I was going with that, but I'm just so excited for all of these things that I thought I'd share. The point is though, GJ still feels like home, and we can't wait to be back. God has blessed us immensely in the 5 1/2 years we've been away, we've experienced a lot and learned a lot, but we're ready for home now.

I was contemplating this earlier in relation to Heaven. How awesome will our final homecoming be? In the last few months, I have truly longed for that homecoming more than anything on earth. I have for the first time in my life felt like an alien and stranger in this world. I pray that as time goes on my deep desire for Heaven, and the eternal perspective that it provides won't fade. I don't ever want to let myself use what I've been though as an excuse to live a "safe" lifestyle looking no farther than my home down here. I want to forevermore live a lifestyle of eagerly awaiting my final homecoming, but meanwhile faithfully pursuing every ministry that God has equipped and called me to.

Philippians 3:20 "But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ."

I do love the feeling of coming home (even when it means catching up on heaps and heaps of laundry), and how much more joyful and full of peace will our final homecoming be? Can't wait!

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