About Me

My name is Jennifer Anderson. I am a wife, a nurse, and mama to one baby in Heaven and one in my arms. I use this space to share my life; the happy, the thoughtful, the creative, and sometimes the sad. It is much cheaper than a personal therapist.

This is me. Every-day, frizzy-haired, no make-up me. I want to be real with you; but above all I want to encourage you. My goal is to never post a blog that is 100% sad or negative. Even in the times that life feels 100% sad, I commit to finding something positive. 

So, here's 10 things about me. Some are common knowledge, some are little known, all are simply: me.

1. I believe in a good and loving God
I believe that He wants what's best for me, even when what's best is also most painful. I believe He is a personal God who longs for relationship, and is delighted when we reciprocate. It is after all, what we were created for.

2. I love this man:
We've been married for 7 laughter filled years. Here's a picture of the day we said "I do."

3. I am a mama. 
Our first son, Jude Allen was stillborn with Triploidy at 27 weeks on December 21st 2011. We will always miss him; he will always be our baby boy;  and we await the day when we will see him again! His complete story is here.

Our second son, Peter Allen was born in February 2013, and has been a chubby, smiley, strong-willed blessing in our lives. I rejoice in every day we are privileged to spend with him!

4. I'm happiest when I'm outside.
A list of our favorite activities:
Hiking, Biking, Climbing, Canoeing, Kayaking, Snowshoeing, X-Country skiing, Water skiing, Camping, Backpacking, etc etc etc. If it's outdoors we either already love it, or are game for trying it! Peter is quickly becoming accustomed to hours on end in his backpack and is never happier then when he's outside on an adventure! :-)

5. My family is totally nuts. 
But also totally awesome. I'm one of 7 kids, and we all have such a blast when we're together!

Our family motto: The more the merrier!

6. I love Bright things.
I didn't always gravitate toward anything and everything lighter and brighter. I think that having gone through such a dark time in my life with the loss of Jude, I now want to add brightness any chance that I can. For example: I'm currently wearing hot pink pants. The fashion gods probably cringe, but I think they're cheerful!

7. These ferocious beasts brings me great joy. 
And frequently great stress, but they're so worth it!

Libby's the dark brown one. She's a 4 year old Lab/Aussie mix, and is a faithful companion! (Especially around dinner time or when Jess is putting on his running shoes. :-)
Lola is the yellow one. She's now a 2 year old Golden Retriever/Brittany Spaniel mix; and she's the CRAZY one! We got her a few months after Jude died, and she was my therapy puppy. Now she's Peter's best friend, and the most affectionate dog I've ever known!

8. I'm a nurse.
By trade, but also at heart. Taking care of people blesses me.

9. My favorite color is green.
To me, green is the color of life, and I can always use a little extra green in my day. I love to garden, indoor and out. My husband gives me a hard time that I'm filling our house with plants, but deep down inside I know he likes them too. He also rolls his eyes about the color I painted our living room:

But I know he likes that too. :-)

10. I love to both read and write
I've always said that if I had picked a different course of study in school based solely upon what I think I would love to do, I would have studied literature and writing. So, this is my outlet for the bookish side of me.
I hope you enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jenn,
    Your blogging has totally inspired me. It's been quite a journey for my husband and I through this 1st year of marriage and we are totally relient on God to help us get though our very recent stuggles. Your story was very encouraging for me as I have just started to realize, the world doesn't stop when huge things happen in our own lives. This is the first day where I haven't cried all day out of sorrow, but I teared up out of joy and HOPE after reading some of your posts and Jude's story and Isaiah 61:3. I knew I kept reading for a reason =] God is using you!! Keep it up... you're touching lives <3
