Tuesday, September 11, 2012

This time


One year ago today we told the world that we were expecting our first baby.    
We were pretty proud of how we did it.          
I still think it's a cute announcement:

Jess' extra curricular reading this winter

Well, this year we have another announcement to make,...

Yep.    :-)

 Another little Anderson is on their way.

We're feeling incredibly blessed. And excited. And scared. Life is an emotional rollercoaster; but by the grace of God, there are more highs than lows these days. We're doing this again. And we feel as ready as we'll ever be, but pregnancy will never be the same for us as it was early on with Jude.

EVERYTHING is so different this time.

If I could have a buck for every time I said or thought about how different THIS TIME is,... I'd buy us a vineyard chateau in France and retire.

This time our joy is quiet.
This time we have no expectations.
This time we are not planning more than a few days in advance.
This time I have nightmares.
This time we know that all we can do is cover our baby in prayer.
This time, when asked if this is our first, I'm tongue tied.
This time we anxiously await our baby's arrival, while still grieving for his/her big brother.
This time, balancing emotions is like walking a tightrope.
This time we won't find out the gender, because we know ALIVE is all that matters. 
This time I mostly hide my baby belly.
This time ultrasounds are terrifying.
This time every day feels like an accomplishment.

The list goes and goes and goes.

Since the pregnancies were only about 6 months apart, my body kicked into gear super quickly. Now, at 15+ weeks I'm almost as big as I was when Jude was born (at 27 weeks). I've been feeling this little one's wiggles for a few weeks now. It's such a reassurance, and I believe a direct gift from God that I've been able to feel him/her so early. Love those wiggles. Today I have wiggles in my womb, and I pray that I will feel those wiggles in my arms come about March 2nd.
It seems to help to be with and talk to other pregnant ladies. Occasionally their naivete frustrates me, but ultimately I think that a little bit of their un-abandoned joy rubs off. They remind me what pregnancy SHOULD be like,... what it used to be like.

Enough for now. 
I just have one request before I sign off: Please be praying for us.
Everything has gone smoothly with the pregnancy so far. I've had a number of ultrasounds with no concerns arising yet. In the back of my mind though is the knowledge that Jude looked fine too, until later on. We have our anatomy scan (the big ultrasound,... the one that changed everything with Jude) coming up on Oct. 2nd. It's scary stuff. We're trying to trust God completely with this baby, but are also painfully aware that trusting God doesn't protect us from difficulties and sorrow.

I'm hoping that if all is well at this next ultrasound I'll feel like I can start actually planning on having a baby. Our first take home baby.

Thanks for reading, and thanks for your thoughts and prayers!


  1. Touching thoughts Jenn. We're praying for you guys and this miraculous little gift :)

  2. Hi Jess and Jenn,
    My heart skipped a few beats at the beginning of this post! We haven't stopped praying for you and for God's plan for your next precious baby....and we are thrilled to hear this news. We will be praying for this little one now too, and look forward to the updates! Sending lots of love to you both from Canada!
    Lisa and Andrew

  3. Praying! We are thrilled for you. I know our losses are different, but I completely resonate with so many of your thoughts on this one. It's number 6 for us and oh how we too simply pray for God's wisdom and leading. Thinking of you and praying peace everlasting for you and Jess! March is going to be one sweet month for many!

    1. Amen Stephanie! Praying for you guys as well!

  4. Oh Jennifer, I'm just bawling - I'm so thrilled for you guys! You have been in our prayers all along, and now we can add this little one to them.

  5. You're in my prayers. This baby is so blessed to have you and Jess as parents and to be surrounded by such amazing in-laws and family on both sides. I hope you find rest in the blanket of prayer over you, Jess and your little one. Thank you for your grace and encouragement through your blog posts. And CONGRATULATIONS!

  6. Yay God! You don't know me, but you're blog was one of the first ones I found after my son was stillborn in June. I've checked back periodically since then, and I'm so happy you're rainbow is on the way. Sending prayers from Tennessee!!!

  7. Praying for you all! Its an incredible blessing, but I understand in a small way your trepidation for what may or may not be. May God continue to fulfill your joy!

