Warning: It's a long one!
We have a baby!
Here's our week in pictures, and the birth story:
We took the last batch of belly pictures the day before the c-section. We spent the day doing all the little last minute preparations. I was definitely nervous about the surgery, and just wanted to get it over with so we could have the little guy!
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last belly picture! |
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My friend Janelle made him the gorgeous quilt. |
We got to the hospital at 10:00 the next morning, and got ready. They hooked me up and started meds. Here's the last picture still pregnant, right before we walked back to the OR.
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All ready to meet Peter! |
Note to the faint of heart:
I'm going to describe the surgery in some detail, you might want to skip to the next picture if you're on the squeamish side! I almost loaded pictures of his birth, so count yourself lucky!
We were in the OR right a noon, I had the spinal by ten after, and they were starting the surgery by quarter after. It was super surreal. The drugs they put through my IV made my brain feel super fuzzy, so I felt pretty disconnected from the process emotionally. I didn't like that, but I'm glad I was at least awake, and got to watch with a mirror. I could feel alot more than I expected. It wasn't uncomfortable, there was no pain, but I had almost full sensation otherwise. I could feel them cutting, pushing, digging and pulling but none of it hurt. I could even feel when the doctor reached inside me to grab him! It was pretty much the weirdest thing I've ever experienced. Jess was in the OR with me, and he kept asking how I was doing. All I could say over and over was: "This is so weird!"
They pulled him out, butt-first, right at 12:25. His body came right out, but in true Anderson/Storey fashion the kid has a giant noggin, and it got stuck. I was watching in the mirror as the doctors twisted his little body every which way trying to fit his head through the incision. his little arms flailing. It was bizarre, and rather comical. They tried for a couple of minutes before resigning to the fact that it just wasn't going to fit, and my doc extended the incision to get him out.
Even in my drugged up state I was thinking to myself: "That's my boy!"
And he came out screaming. My doctor has said multiple times since then that Peter is one of the loudest babies he's ever delivered. It was nice to hear his screams within just a few seconds of coming out. The whole pregnancy there's been this overwhelming feeling of just waiting for something to go wrong,... waiting for the hammer to fall. I knew immediately that he was alive and kicking.
Jess cut his cord, they did a little initial assessment and cleaning up, then Jess brought him over for me to see. My hands were still strapped down, and I was feeling pretty out-of-touch with reality, so it didn't hit me yet that this was actually my baby. I gave him a quick kiss and they took him out to do his full assessment while my doc stitched me up.
By 12:45 I was all put back together, and joined Peter, Jess, and my mom (VERY proud gramma) in the recovery area. He was still wailing!
He weighed 7lbs, 12.7 ozs, and measured 19 inches long. (They've measured him since his hips loosened up a bit though, and he's actually a little over 20 inches.) His head was super lop-sided at first because he was so wedged up against my ribs. My doc said no wonder he wasn't able to get him to flip, he was totally out of room in there! He was perfect and healthy though other than a little hip dysplasia from being folded up like a taco-shell. A common problem with big breech babies, and easily treatable.
I watched them do his first bath, and then got to hold him. I still felt a little fuzzy-brained, so I hadn't really connected yet emotionally, but we snuggled for a bit and nursed. He latched on perfectly the first time, and again, in true Storey/Anderson fashion has eaten like champ ever since. One of the things I do remember thinking right away, is how much he really does look like Jude! They totally have the same mouth and chin.
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Holding my boy for the first time |
We were in the recovery area for an hour or so, then they wheeled us upstairs to our room. Within a couple of hours of holding him, snuggling, doing skin-to-skin and nursing my systemic drugs had worn off, I was myself again emotionally and was 100% in love.
I've told several friends since then, that the absolute wonder that I feel as sit and hold him and just look at him is more amazing than anything I ever imagined. And believe me,.... it's something I've imagined for years. I KNEW it would be mind-boggling, but it's so beyond what your mind can even conceive until you experience it. Five days later, it still makes me shake my head in wonder that this gorgeous creature came out of me!
He. Is. Amazing.
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A few hours old |
We stayed in the hospital two nights. I was so worried about the pain before-hand and have been super pleasantly surprised. It just hasn't been that bad. I was up and moving around in less than 18 hours, and felt good doing so. Now, at 5 days post-surgery, as long as I keep on top of my pain meds a few times a day, I get around the house comfortably.
The time in the hospital flew by, but we were very ready to be home by Wednesday. The nurse in me has a really hard time being a patient. I kept offering to my nurses to do things myself,... they just kinda looked at me funny. :-) Oh well.
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Our first family photo |
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Biiiiiig yawn! Snuggling with dad |
We have just been hanging out since we got home. My mom has been by each day for a few hours to offer reinforcements and help out with things. Jess has been an amazing husband a daddy this week taking care of me, and helping with Peter. He sings to Peter when he's crying, and it works like a charm to calm him down. It's always the Indiana Jones theme song with various made-up lyrics to match the situation.
Pretty much the cutest thing I've ever witnessed in my entire life.
Goodness, I love that man!
We're pretty tired, but manageably so at this point. Peter likes to eat about every two hours, so by the time I've gotten him up, changed him, fed him, and get him back down, I'm sleeping in about 1 hour intervals. I've been getting good naps in though, and feel like it's totally doable assuming it will only improve from here.
I'm praying that's the case.
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He found his thumb. So cute! |
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Sunggling with daddy and Lola. The dogs have been great with him. |
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Another big yawn! Rockin' his new hip brace. |
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Lovin' his first bath at home. Jess was in the process of giving him a comb over. Haha. |
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Super Snuggles |
We are feeling blessed beyond measure, and I find myself praying prayers of thanksgiving frequently throughout the day. We serve a great and mighty God!
That's all for now,... He's hungry.